[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/6″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_custom_heading text=”some recent media attention” font_container=”tag:h2|font_size:40|text_align:center” google_fonts=”font_family:Lato%3A100%2C100italic%2C300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic%2C900%2C900italic|font_style:300%20light%20regular%3A300%3Anormal”][vc_column_text]Climate change and recreation
- AARP, June 1, 2021, “What You Need to Know About Climate Change”
- CityLab, July 26, 2019, “It’s getting too damn hot to have fun in the summer”
- The Washington Post, Dec. 12, 2017: “The Energy 202”
- Axios, Dec. 11, 2017: “One interesting thing: bike-sharing and global warming”
- Inside Climate News, June 17, 2023: “As the Colorado River Declines, Water Scarcity and the Hunt for New Sources Drive up Rates”
- Politico, Mar. 17, 2016: “Allow only a glass half full, or charge more to fill it up?”
- The Washington Post, Sep. 24, 2014: “Why inequality makes it harder to stop climate change”
- Vox, Dec. 20, 2014: “One small study that explodes the myth that inequality is efficient”
Social cost of carbon
- Vox, Oct. 17, 2017: “Scott Pruitt’s quest to kill Obama’s climate regulations is deeply shady — and legally vulnerable”
- Utility Dive, Aug. 31, 2017: “Carbon Calculus: More States Are Adding Carbon Costs to Utility Planning Guidelines”
Urban transportation
- Interview on KJZZ (Phoenix Public Radio), Jan. 17, 2018: “Bike Share Industry Evolution Playing Out In Phoenix Metro Area”
- The Economist, Dec. 21, 2017: “How bike-sharing conquered the world”
- Gas2.org, Sep. 18, 2015: “Bikesharing Programs Shown To Cut Traffic Congestion”
- Curbed DC, Sep. 14, 2015: “Capital Bikeshare is Booming—and Helping Traffic Too”
- Vox, Sep. 6, 2015: “Study: Bike Share Has (Slightly) Reduced Congestion in Washington, DC”
- WTOP, Aug. 27, 2015: “Study: Capital Bikeshare Easing Local Traffic Woes”
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